Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Running, a goal and a plan - why?

Running is one of the best ways to increase your cardio-vascular fitness and lose some fat. It's also great to get outdoors - the daylight releases hormones called 'endorphins' which are known as 'happy' hormones. They lift your spirits!

As with taking up any fitness regime, it's essential to follow a plan. Failing to plan means planning to fail. Without a plan you lose interest, and are unalbe to track your progressions. this results in becoming demotivated and giving up.

In addition to your plan, you need a goal. With running it could be a 5km, 10km, half marathon or even a marathon. An event such as this, whether it's a charity run or a more serious for the competitive more advanced runner means you have something to run for - a journey with a destination! This means you are not just training for training's sake and brings a whole new meaning to stepping out of the door (or even getting out of the door) when the weather is not so good or you don't feel like running.

I've done the 'Race for Life' for breast cancer 5 times and it is great - the atmosphere is very encouraging and there are women at all levels running, jogging or walking the 5km, 3 mile race. I've also trained over 50 clients for running events over the last 5 years, with several competing and completing a marathon for their first time. One client has even gone on to coaching young athletes at her school.

  • Choose your running goal
  • Devise a plan
  • Take action!
Wishing you every success.

PS. If you are participating in an event, please let me know you fitness or runing tips to help others!

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